Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Karla's Sock Monkey

Movie Night-Gremlins Invade! July 21 @ 6:30

That's right, we're showing a movie at the library. The famous movie based on evil, hilarious, and mischievous beings, Gremlins.

This movie is about Gizmo, a cute and furry creature from another world that comes with a very special set of rules:

  1. never expose him to light
  2. never expose him to water
  3. and never feed him after midnight

Terror and laughter erupt when these rules are broken!

Come hang out with us on July 21 @ 6:30 for this funny-not-so-scary event. Popcorn and refreshments will be free!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sock Monkey Help

Thanks to everyone who came to our sock monkey program!

If you couldn't make it to the program (or came and want some help on completing your sock monkey), I have posted links to videos to help you make or complete your very own sock monkey:

Cutting the pieces:
Cutting legs of sock monkey
Cut out the nose (snout)
Cut out the arms
Cut out the tail
Cut out the ears

Sewing the pieces:
(Remember to sew arms, legs, tail and ears while the socks are turned inside out)
Sew the legs
Attach the nose (snout)
Additional help with sewing on the nose (snout)

Eyes: If you want to use buttons for the eyes, it would be easier to sew them on before you put the stuffing inside the monkey. If you don't want to use buttons, just use your thread to make the eyes.

Stuffing: If you haven't already stuffed the main body and legs of monkey, now is a good time to do that.

Sew the arms
Sew the tail
Sew ears
Attach ears
Attach arms
Attach tail (no video, but just attach the same way you attached the arms)

If you have any questions, post them to the blog and I will try my best to answer them.

I would love to see pics of your completed sock monkeys, so please upload images of your completed monkeys!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


OMG! Sock monkeys are soooo cute!
(Ok, some of them do look evil, but in a good way.)

Come to the Buford library this Saturday from 2:00pm-4:00pm and make your own customized sock monkey.

Socks and all materials provided! I hope to see everyone there!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Theater Make-up!

Want to be transformed into a sparkling fairy or one-eyed scary monster? Or maybe freak-out your friends with a false black-eye?

A professional make-up artist will visit the Buford library to transform teens! Volunteer to be part of the demonstration and be transformed into a new creature, or just watch and learn tips from the professionals!

The event will take place in the Buford Library on Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 6:30pm. Program intended for teens in grade 6-12.

Bring all your friends and be prepared to get messy!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Summer Reading Program

Sign up today online @ or come into the branch May 22, 2008. The Buford Branch will be having several cool programs this summer, so check back soon for more info!